Refund Policy

We want you to love what you purchase from us, but we understand that sometimes it just isn’t right. To start your return please contact us here to see what we can do. Please Note: items returned to us without contacting our support team first, will not be processed.

If the item(s) you’ve received is not in perfect condition or damaged in any way, please let us know immediately so that we can put things right for you. Photographic evidence of such issues would be helpful in the refund/ replacement process.If you don’t like what you have received or it isn’t quite what you were expecting we will be happy to issue a refund on receipt of the returned item within 14 days, in its original and unused condition, including all tags and packaging. Please Note: you will be responsible for the return shipping charges in this circumstance.After our team confirm your return, please place your item(s) securely in its original packaging and mail it to the following address;

Flat 2 Hannay House
23 Scott Avenue
SW15 3PD